Russell County Enhanced 911 in Phenix City, AL encourages the public to sign up for Smart911 so when an emergency happens, dispatch units will be able to send rescue faster.
Smart911 allows you to provide information about yourself and your family to 911 before an emergency. By signing up, you can customize the information 911 call centers have about you. This enables faster and more effective emergency response by law enforcement, fire, and emergency medical services.
How Smart911 Can Help You
The information you submit, called a Safety Profile, is private and secure, and the only time anyone ever sees that information is if you dial 911. The information is immediately displayed for the call taker to help police and fire/rescue respond more quickly and more effectively.
How to Get Started
You can sign up online at Smart911.com, and enter the information you want 911 to have in case of an emergency. That information can include family member data, photos, medical conditions, disabilities, an apartment number, mobility limitations, your pets.
You can include any other thing that can help first responders do a better job of helping you in case of an emergency. What you submit is up to you. If you register a mobile phone, your information may be retrieved by any 911 Center that participates in Smart911.
Watch the video below to see how to sign up for Smart 911.