Among our goals at Russell County Enhanced 911 in Phenix City, AL is to educate the public about 911. We want you to be aware of some important information about the system.
Cell Phone Services
Cell phones display your phone number and location subject to exceptions. Mobile phones are not as precise as a traditional telephone, so you should be prepared to give a location if you call from a cell phone. Read more about cell phones and 911 at the Federal Communications Commission.
VoIP Phone Services
VoIP phone service varies depending on the service provider. Please read the fine print from your provider about 911, and the FCC also has a good guide for consumers concerning VoIP. Combining location information with questions asked for the caller, the Public Safety Telecommunicator determines which emergency agencies should respond to the scene.
When Should I Call 911?
Call 911 to report any emergency, whether it should involve the police or sheriff, fire department, or medical personnel. If you need help immediately, call 911. Don’t waste time, call 911 as soon as you think help is needed. This includes the following situations:
What Should I Say?
All you have to do is answer our questions! Stay on the phone and answer the Public Safety Telecommunicator’s questions as calmly as you can. They will ask the following: